There are 2 ways to cancel a reservation:

  1. via Calendar 
  2. via Reservations (also possible to cancel multiple reservations at once )

Via Reservations

Through "Reservations", you can cancel one or more reservations at once.

You can cancel the approved or not yet approved reservations in the same way:

Step 1. Select "Fleet/Reservations" 

Step 2. Select tab "Reservations"

Step 3.

Select the reservation you wish to cancel and click on 'Selection' .

It is also possible to check multiple reservations.

Choose option "Cancel reservations". 

If you only want to cancel one reservation, there is also another way to do it.

Hover over the reservation you wish to cancel. Click on the 'magnifying glass' icon.

You will see Reservation detail info window with all the details of the reservation/reservation request. Click on "Cancel Reservation."

Stap 4.

Click "Confirm cancellation". 

The canceled reservations can be found under "Archive".